------------------------------------------------------------------- MyDMS 1.5.0 Update from previous Version ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Requirements You must have version 1.4.4 of MyDMS installed and configured correctly on your system. To upgrade from a version of MyDMS older than 1.4.4, first follow the instructions found in the document "update-1.4.4.txt". 2. Updating the Database Cut and paste the following statements into your mysql client, making sure that you are using the correct database. If you have already run "update_tables-1.5.0.sql" you may skip this step: CREATE TABLE `tblDocumentLocks` ( `document` INT NOT NULL , `userID` INT NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `document` ) ) ENGINE = MYISAM ; ALTER TABLE `tblDocuments` ADD `folderList` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `folder` ; ALTER TABLE `tblDocumentContent` ADD INDEX ( `document` ) ; ALTER TABLE `tblFolders` ADD INDEX ( `parent` ) ; ALTER TABLE `tblDocumentContent` DROP `id` ; ALTER TABLE `tblDocumentContent` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`document`, `version`) ; ALTER TABLE `tblDocumentContent` CHANGE `version` `version` SMALLINT( 5 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ; 3. Creating the Folder Index MyDMS uses a new folder index to aid search through subfolders. This has led to dramatic improvements in search time. However, in order to be able to take full advantage of the new search system, it is necessary to populate the folderList field in the Documents table. To do this, open a web browser window and log into MyDMS as an Administrative user. Then load the following page: http://${server}/${mydms root}/op/op.CreateSubFolderIndex.php This script will only run if the user has administrative privileges. Even so, I recommend that the file is deleted after it has been run and you have verified that the search engine is running correctly. The script need only be run once, and does not destroy data, but one cannot be too careful. This page can only be accessed directly -- there are no links within MyDMS that take to you this page. 4. New Default Theme The default theme for MyDMS has been replaced with a lightweight variant that removes the folder tree from the page display. This has been done in order to optimise the performance of the application on large DMS deployments. If you prefer to use the original version, it is still available in the themes folder.