------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.7.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Style Sheet modifications to improve IE6 compatibility, contributed by Juan Lago (thanks Juan!). This fixes some placement issues with elements that have the position attribute set to "absolute". - The div elements that are used to clear floats have been fixed so that they have zero height in IE6. It is not enough to specify "height: 0"; one must also set "font-size:0" otherwise IE6 will set the height of the element to match the standard font size. - UI layout improvements. Various changes to the user interface to improve the page flow and allow for further expansion in the future. The context menu bar has been separated from the page heading into its own container underneath the title. It's a more logical place to present the menu, and will allow for the easy addition of further sub-headings in the future without compromising the page flow. - The last dependency on the original theme system has been eliminated with the introduction of updated chooser dialogues for selecting files and folders. These dialogues have the new themes and the code has been revamped, replacing the old table structures with unordered lists. - LDAP update. A minor change to the LDAP authentication code to allow for the use of URIs to identify the server name (e.g. ldaps://host.com). Also, the LDAP version is set to 3 in order to support secure connections. - New language translations for Czech and Slovak. Contributed by SF user helix84 (thanks!). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.7.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Re-vamped Notification system allows users to receive an email when a document or folder is changed. This is a new, event-based mechanism that notifies the user as soon as the change has been made and replaces the cron mechanism originally developed. Any user that has read access to a document or folder can subscribe to be notified of changes. Users that have been assigned as reviewers or approvers for a document are automatically added to the notification system for that document. A new page has been created for users to assist with the management of their notification subscriptions. This can be found in the "My Account" section under "Notification List". - The test used to identify HTTPS connections has been improved so that it correctly identifies IIS servers that have ISAPI enabled but are not using HTTPS protocol. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.7.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixes to CSS display bugs. Minor updates to the display. - Improved handling of character escape sequences. - Review / Approve dates added to folder views and search results. - New file system directory management code to accommodate limitations in the underlying filesystem which restrict the number of files that MyDMS can store. MyDMS now uses a nested directory structure to store files, rather than a flat one. However, note that individual files are still stored one per directory in order to preserve compatibility with older versions of MyDMS. For details of the problem and the solution implemented, please refer to: http://mydms.sf.net/2007/08/15/new-file-system-storage-structure/ - Hungarian translation. - And as a bonus, there is a Drupal theme compatible with MyDMS. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.6.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Theme and language choice are now saved as user attributes between sessions. Read update-1.6.1.txt for changes to database schema. - Link to document review / approval page from out.ViewDocument.php. - French translation. - Brazilian Portuguese translation. - Traditional Chinese translation. - Relaxation of criteria for selecting reviewers / approvers. Users now only require read access to be eligible reviewers or approvers. - Documents are now displayed in the correct sequence in the folder view. - Documents can be downloaded directly from the folder view by clicking their icon. - Document icons in the folder view now reflect the document type. - Empty passwords are not accepted, even when JS is disabled in the browser. - New restricted access mode rejects login from users who are not entered into the internal database, even if LDAP authentication was successful. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.6.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Introduction of a document workflow system that manages the life-cycle of a document, including review and approval stages. Details: Document Class: Created new methods: Document::addIndReviewer() Document::addGrpReviewer() Document::addIndApprover() Document::addGrpApprover() Changes to: Document::addContent() New Class: Email. out.AddDocument.php op.AddDocument.php Changes to allow selection of reviewers and approvers. Group Class: Changes to: Group::getUsers() -- query optimised New Methods: Group::getReviewStatus() Group::getApprovalStatus() User Class: New Methods: User::getReviewStatus() User::getApprovalStatus() Class Folder: Changes to: Folder::addDocument() -- accept reviewers, approvers as parameters. New Class: AddContentResultSet. Database: Document version field changed from TINYINT to unsigned SMALLINT throughout database. `tblGroupMembers`: `id` field removed as it is unnecessary. Created a primary of `groupID`, `userID`. DocumentContent Class: Created new methods: DocumentContent::getStatus() DocumentContent::getReviewStatus() DocumentContent::getApprovalStatus() DocumentContent::delIndReviewer() DocumentContent::delGrpReviewer() DocumentContent::delIndApprover() DocumentContent::delGrpApprover() out.ViewDocument.php op.ViewDocument.php Changes to incorporate display of workflow status. Links to allow user to change status of a document revision. out.UpdateDocument.php op.UpdateDocument.php Changes to allow selection of reviewers and approvers. out.Login.php op.Login.php redirect user to originally requested URL upon successful login. out.ReviewDocument.php op.ReviewDocument.php out.ApproveDocument.php op.ApproveDocument.php Created to enable users to review and approve documents. out.OverrideContentStatus.php op.OverrideContentStatus.php Allows document owner or site administrator to override the status of a document. out.SetReviewersApprovers.php op.SetReviewersApprovers.php Allows document owner or site administrator to re-assign reviewers and approvers to a document revision that is pending review or approval. out.ActionSummary.php Lists all the documents owned by current user that are pending review or approval. Lists all documents that are awaiting review or approval by the user. Search page now allows user to search for documents pending review or approval. Search results display overall document status. - Admin user cannot be deleted, and admin privilege cannot be removed from the admin user. Previously, both actions were possible. - Users can be assigned administrative privileges in the User Manager. - Deleting document revisions or the document itself notifies all affected users by email, deletes entries from all status logs. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.5.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug in the keyword editing code which was preventing users from adding default keywords into global keyword categories. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in version 1.5.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Optimised search. Improved the performance of the search function by placing more of the work on the database and by applying indexes to some of the tables. Sub-folder searches are also dramatically improved due to the incorporation of a folderList field in the tblDocuments table. - Optimised display. New compact theme significantly reduces the page load times. This is the default theme. The original is still available as a selection. - Changed file download headers such that downloading works with IE over SSL. - Changed all instances of $HTTP_COOKIES_VARS, which has been deprecated, to $_COOKIE. - Replaced all short open tags (